
Showing posts from February, 2020

Feature Article Model Ideas

     For my feature article story, I have 2 people to choose from. One of these people is a good friend of mine named Danny Montoya with a very inspirational fashion story that he explains "kept him going" or the second choice which is another friend of mine named Justin Fernandez who has always been very inspired by fashion and has even gone to multiple fashion shows. Justin says he plans on working for Gucci designing clothes some day. I will have to choose one of these young men to do a feature article on.

Magazine Final Color Scheme

Since this magazine is all about fashion, I want the colors to really pop out but not be too exaggerated. I would like to have colors like a bright blue with some black and maybe white just for the aesthetic. The neon aqua color bellow really stood out to me. I want colors that will catch the audience’s attention. The matte black I believe would go well with the aqua.    

Questions for Feature Story

For the next part of the project, I focused on the feature story for my double page spread. I will be interviewing my model on his life and fashion style. Here are the questions I will be asking. 1. When did you know you were into fashion? 2. What or who inspires you the most? 3. What do you consider your fashion style? 4. Why did you gain an interest in the fashion world? 5. Would you consider modeling as a future career? Why? 6. Who is your fashion role model?

How To Write a Feature Story

The purpose of all feature writing is to tell the audience a story. It is typically composed of a lead, middle, and ending. The piece also includes quotes from the subject which, if used effectively, can aide the writer in creating a "vivid" and "detailed description" of the story for readers. Leads serve as the intro of the story and are crucial in catching the attention of the readers. Different variations of leads include: Narrative Compare and Contrast Direct Quote Startling Statement Descriptive There are a number of ways to write a feature, depending on what you want to focus on. Some of these include: Human Interest : Many feature stories focus on an issue as it impacts people.  Profile : This feature type focuses on a specific individual’s character or lifestyle. This type is intended to help the reader feel like they’ve gotten a window into someone’s life. Instructional : How-to feature articles teach readers how to do something. Oftentimes, the